Who are we?
Know Your Dough, a local 501c3 nonprofit organization, delivers high quality, life-changing personal financial education to hundreds of local youths and young adults in SW Colorado, through school classrooms and local organizations, inspiring them to begin their path to financial literacy and independence.
Partnering with schools and community organizations, KYD offers in-person and online financial literacy classes to local elementary, middle school, high school and college age students. We believe that teaching students the basics of money management (budgeting, saving, debt, investing, goal setting and giving) lays a foundation for students to build strong money habits early and avoid many of the mistakes that lead to lifelong money struggles.
Financial Literacy is the key to lifelong success!
Did you know?
56% of Americans do not have enough savings to cover a $1,000 emergency expense.
32% of American workers run out of money before payday?
We're changing that.
What do we do?Inspire
Know Your Dough inspires youths and young adults in our community to become financially secure, independent adults, by delivering high-quality, life-changing personal financial skills. Lack of financial skills leads to lack of confidence in financial decision-making. We're changing that. |
How do we do it?Educate
Know Your Dough's trained volunteers educate elementary, middle school, high school and young adults through hands-on, interactive, FUN programs and activities.
When adults are asked, "What is the one thing you wished you had learned in school?" 9 out of 10 will respond "Money". We're changing that. |
Why do we do it?Empower
Know Your Dough empowers young people to take charge of their own financial futures
through personal finance knowledge. Our network of trained volunteers and generous donors make it happen! Statistics show the number of financially illiterate adults in the US is growing at an alarming rate. We're changing that. |
Our Programs
Our programs are interactive, experiential and FUN!

Incredible results for KYD's programs in 2024!
KYD measures results by % improvement from pre-program to post-program testing,
including behavioral and skills questions. See our outstanding improvement results below:
Incredible results for KYD's programs in 2024!
KYD measures results by % improvement from pre-program to post-program testing,
including behavioral and skills questions. See our outstanding improvement results below:
- Overall Programs Overall improvement: 37% Behavioral: 29% Skills: 43%
- Middle Schools: Overall improvement: 43% Behavioral: 30% Skills: 52%
- Elementary Schools: Overall improvement: 24% Behavioral: 27% Skills: 23%
Thank you Alpine Bank
for sponsoring Know Your Dough on Local News Network's Community Matters Watch the segment to learn more about Know Your Dough! |
Thank You to The Oxford and Ska Brewery for your contributions to our Annual Fundraiser!
A word from our Co-Founder
"Preparing today's youth for tomorrow's financial success."
-Allison Anderson
-Allison Anderson
While America is one of the wealthiest societies, we also have a shockingly high percentage of adults who lack financial literacy and money common sense. Because our education system does not teach critical financial skills in school and they are often not taught at home, wealth and financial security continues to concentrate with those "in the know," while an increasing percentage of Americans struggle with our complex financial world. For those lacking solid personal financial fundamentals, the American Dream is an elusive fantasy. And for the financially illiterate, it turns into an American nightmare. Its eye opening when teens understand withholding taxes on their paycheck, how much a phone or other consumer product really costs when you only pay minimum payments on a credit card, investing, and much more. Know Your Dough gives youth the tools to be smart consumers, investors, and in control of their financial goals.
Financial Literacy helps local youth in several ways:
Interview with Co-Founder and past Executive Director,
Allison Andersen, discusses KYD in 2016 On DurangoTV, (now Local News Network) |

for being KYD's Key Sponsor!
Your continued support helps KYD continue to provide
financial literacy education in SW Colorado!
for being KYD's Key Sponsor!
Your continued support helps KYD continue to provide
financial literacy education in SW Colorado!
THANK YOU to the Katz Family
for their continuing support of Know Your Dough!
Your support has been a key to our success since the beginning of our mission!
for their continuing support of Know Your Dough!
Your support has been a key to our success since the beginning of our mission!

for your amazing support of KYD throughout the years.
2021 CERF Pivot to Pirouette Grant Recipient
and Continuing Grant Support
and Continuing Grant Support
Many THANKS to the Martin Family Fund
for providing financial support to educate Teens in Durango!
Their support is instrumental in helping develop the next generation of financially confident adults!
for providing financial support to educate Teens in Durango!
Their support is instrumental in helping develop the next generation of financially confident adults!
THANK YOU City of Durango!!!
We are proud to announce that KNOW YOUR DOUGH has been awarded the 2024 City of Durango Community Support Funding Grant! Thank you to the CITY of DURANGO and United Way of SW Colorado for your generous financial support. We appreciate everything you do to promote financial literacy in our community! |
Thank you Durango Elks Lodge!
Your grant support helps Durango Youth and Young Adults
become financially secure adults through Financial Literacy Education!
Your grant support helps Durango Youth and Young Adults
become financially secure adults through Financial Literacy Education!
Your service to the community is appreciated!
We thank you for your generous donation to Know Your Dough in 2024!
Your service to the community is appreciated!
We thank you for your generous donation to Know Your Dough in 2024!
Thank you High Noon Rotary!
Know Your Dough thanks you for your 2022 Community Support Grant supporting
Financial Literacy
in local Middle Schools!
High Noon Rotary is a big believer in children's financial literacy!
Know Your Dough thanks you for your 2022 Community Support Grant supporting
Financial Literacy
in local Middle Schools!
High Noon Rotary is a big believer in children's financial literacy!
Thank you for your support!
The overall well being of a community is stronger when its citizens (today's youth) are financially capable.
Donate today to support our community and its well being.
With donations, Know Your Dough can reach more audiences and bring the best experience
to the youth of the region.
Donate today to support our community and its well being.
With donations, Know Your Dough can reach more audiences and bring the best experience
to the youth of the region.