Piggy Power! Piggynomics for Kids, is a dynamic program for early elementary students designed to instill a real-world understanding of basic economics and personal finance.
It's never too young to learn the Power of the Pig!
The program teaches young students about choices, scarcity, needs & wants, spend/save/share, budgeting, earning and the importance of cost-benefit analysis in making informed financial decisions. Hands-on activities and interactive lessons engage students to learn and practice good financial habits, now and in their future.
This comprehensive program covers Colorado Social Studies/Economics Standard 3.5 and Social Studies/Economics/PFL Standard 3.6 for Grades 1 and 2.
KYD offers 3 ways to present our Financial Literacy Programs:
Online remote and teacher-led programs are presented in slide form with optional voice-over audio; these programs are interactive and FUN! |
All programs and lessons are customizable for your individual classroom needs.
2023-24 School Year Performance Measurement*: Elementary
- Overall performance improvement: 24%
- Behavioral questions performance improvement: 27%
- Skills questions performance improvement: 23%
*KYD measures results by % improvement from pre-program testing to post-program testing.